One thing I've done over the years when I was feeling funky was art work or collages. They have evolved from simple little drawings to collages from pictures I found in magazines and now to using my own photographs in Illustrator. I've been in a funk the past week or so and decided to try and work myself out of it. And this is the the collage I did today. Now I'm feeling better. I must be feeling alone and sad. Some of it is because I'm home and it's been real hot here and our house gets to be over 90 degrees. Some of it is because I'm still sore and stiff from the Outrageous jetboat ride (see log below). Some of it is just because.... Everything kind of ties into it.
Now since I'm feeling better, I'm going go watch some of my DVDs of Donna Eden to help align my physical energy and then watch or listen to some of my Abraham DVDs.
NOTE: To see more of my photography, please see my Redbubble site. Thanks
Abraham and Donna Eden are so awesome keep going with them. This is the first time I have read the Journals written by You and Chris, while I am reading them I am thinking and so wishing that you could have Abraham in your life! I am ecstatic to find at the end of your writing that you already do! I am Thankful for that Elaine :))) Your friend from http://www.redbubble.com/people/elainebawden
"When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth."
— Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi